What happens if I’m running late to class?

Being late every now and then is no problem, but any more than that means you will miss the essential elements of the warm up and you could injure yourself. Please arrive at least 5 mins before the class starts


Can I come if I’m pregnant?

It depends on many things – such as stage of your pregnancy, whether you are new to class, complications etc. Mel has qualifications in pre and post natal and is happy to discuss your eligibility previous to starting the class.


Do I have to be fit?

No. Pilates and Pure Stretch do not involve jumping around. Absolute beginners are very welcome.


Can men come?

Absolutely – bring all your mates, husbands, sons….


Can my child/teenager come?

Participants attending should be 16 years or older in main stream classes, however Mel runs family Pilates sessions where children over the age of 5 are specifically catered for. Mel hold a kids’ fitness qualification and has vast experience of working with children.


What should I wear?

Workout gear is good or something comfortable.  Trainers are not normally needed.


What should I bring?

A mat, band or strap, a drink and a towel or cushion are good if you have these.


What if I can’t do it?

Everyone has exercises that they find hard and everyone progresses at their own rate. If an injury is impinging your performance, then adaptions can be made.  Please chat to Mel; there is always a way round it and soon you will be amazing!


Can I come if I have a learning or physical disability?

Absolutely- exercise is for everyone and Mel has plenty of experience working with participants with disabilities.


I’m overweight, will this be a problem?

No. MBFitness does not care what shape you are in; you have taken the right step in making an enquiry. Adaptions can always be made but please be aware these sessions will not aid fat loss.


Can a PT session be conducted at my workplace?

Yes, as long as it’s a safe environment with enough space and you have permission.


How many PT sessions should I have?

This is entirely up to you; some are long term others just a few weeks.  It depends on your goals and motivation.


Can a friend/partner join me in my PT session?

Usually, but please chat to Mel about the details of this.